Nature makes the best energy. The sun provides a limitless supply of clean, renewable energy that is absolutely free. With all that sunshine coming down, you would be wise to learn how to use its energy to power your home, and solar collectors do just that.
You will want to make sure that you install a correctly-sized system into your home for maximum energy benefits and cost savings. The average solar system costs approximately $30-80 per square foot for collector area, so before you buy, carefully consider the following questions to help you size your solar system:
Realistically, solar power will only be a supplemental energy source. The U.S. Department of Energy recommends you purchase a system that will be able to supplement at least 40 percent of your energy needs. Determine how much energy you would ideally like to supplement compared to what you actually consume to help you calculate how many panels to buy.
Since sixty-five percent of our year is spent in sunshine, you can anticipate receiving adequate hours of the sun’s strongest rays; but this is not enough. You’ll want to make sure that you can orient your panels to the south for maximum sun exposure. If you can’t, you will still harvest some energy from the sun, but not enough to make it worth your monetary investment. A trusted professional can help you calculate your energy consumption, translate that into the number of panels you’ll need, and show how much power a panel can generate per square inch.
Blanton’s has over 70 years of experience and guarantees 100-percent satisfaction, so you can be confident you will receive honest answers and quality installation. Contact us today to schedule an appointment with one of our friendly staff.
We make the process easy in multiple ways but you can always expect the same, easy way when you work with us:
We don't schedule in those 4 hour windows - you won’t have to wait around for us.
We call you and give you updates. We provide a 30 minute heads up phone call.
When you book, you get a welcome email that shows your technician's photo and some of their recent customer reviews.
When your tech is dispatched, we provide a link where you can track them en route.
Ready for what’s next? Give us a call, schedule an appointment or fill out a form and we’ll take care of the rest!