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What Does HVAC Mean? And Other HVAC Terms You Need To Know

What the heck does HVAC actually mean — and why should you care?

a high-efficiency heat pump, outdoor unit

Chances are, you’ve encountered the abbreviation “HVAC.” Maybe you have a vague understanding of what those four letters stand for. Maybe you’ve never thought about it or don’t care. Even if you’re not a contractor, you should know how HVAC works and how to make the most of it in your home. In this article, we’ll discuss HVAC meaning and explain why it’s important to you, a homeowner.

What Does HVAC Stand For?

HVAC meaning is pretty simple: It stands for Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning. Often, you’ll hear the abbreviation used in relation to an “HVAC system.” This can mean an air conditioning unit and the relevant ductwork and wiring, or a furnace and all of its systems. All HVAC systems require an installation and routine maintenance to keep them running optimally and safely; this is where a friendly team of HVAC professionals will come in handy. For the purpose of this article, we’ll distill things down. Essentially, HVAC means the units and systems required to heat and cool your house, as well as maintain clean and safe air.

What Does “SEER” Stand For and Mean?

Another acronym that will come in handy when understanding HVAC is SEER. “SEER” stands for Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio. All HVAC units have a specific SEER rating, which evaluates its typical energy use over an entire season. Once this data is analyzed, a SEER rating of 13-21 is given to the unit. The higher the rating, the more energy efficient your unit is. So, a 21 SEER rating indicates an ultra-efficient model.

Interested in upgrading to a more energy efficient HVAC system? Contact the pros at Blanton’s for HVAC replacement!

Are HVAC Systems Complicated?

Now that the meaning of HVAC is clear, you may be wondering how it works. Is your HVAC system complicated? Of course, the answer is yes … and no. Highly trained and certified HVAC professionals have years of training and experience, making them uniquely qualified to tackle the wiring and ductwork in a building. When you start to learn about HVAC, you’ll discover it’s a complex network of water pipes, air vents, fan coils, and more. Each part works in conjunction with the whole network — which can make repairs tricky.

But for the average building owner or homeowner, it’s a simple system. All HVAC systems have two main functions. The first is necessary processes (heating and cooling, as well as ventilation, which keeps air refreshed). The secondary function is humidification (keeping air comfortably moist) and dehumidification (taking moisture, or water content, out of the air). All of these processes work to keep the environment temperate, healthy, comfortable and safe.

Do All Buildings Have HVAC?

Although every building is unique, one thing they all have in common are HVAC systems. In addition to sheltering us from the natural elements, our homes do so much more! With an HVAC system, your house stays cozy and warm in the bitter winter months and cool and temperate in the sweltering summer months. Whether it’s a residential building (house, apartment, condo), an industrial building (warehouse, factory), industrial (office) or institutional (government), you can be assured that it has an HVAC system. (If it does NOT have an HVAC system, it’s not a building you’ll want to occupy for any extended length of time.)

Rustic cabins or shelters will likely not have HVAC systems. No HVAC means relying on old-fashioned means of temperature control. For example: opening a window to let in a cool breeze or building a campfire outdoors to keep warm. While these are the most energy-efficient methods (they won’t rack up a heating or cooling bill), there are certainly some downsides. Relying on quality HVAC means you won’t have to split firewood — unless you want to — and that you can enjoy temperate air, set to your specific preferences, all year long.

Why Does HVAC Matter?

Some folks may think that HVAC isn’t the coolest topic of conversation, but we beg to differ. HVAC is one of the most important parts of your home; right on par with a solid foundation and quality roof. Have you ever walked inside of an air conditioned building or home on a humid day? Not only does the temperature feel colder, but there is less moisture in the air. This can help you breathe easier and go about your daily tasks comfortably. Likewise, if you’ve ever tried to concentrate on an important job when you’re cold, you know how important a working furnace system is! When you invest in quality ductwork, wiring, and systems related to heating, ventilation, and air conditioning, HVAC means you will be comfortable all year long. Now that’s something worth talking about!

Interested in learning more about your HVAC system? Check out our blog to learn more or contact us with any of your HVAC system questions or concerns.

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